The Enclave, Our First EmpyrealApp, is Live on Ethereum Mainnet and Arbitrum

This step brings us closer to our vision of trust minimized environments powered by intelligent data and autonomous agents brought to life by EmpyrealSDK.

Think of the Enclave as a privacy layer for your wallet. It enables multichain, privacy-preserving ETH transactions with robust end-to-end encryption and on-chain privacy, powered by Oasis Sapphire.

Releasing the Enclave as a standalone EmpyrealApp is an important revenue generation milestone that moves us further along on our roadmap. Soon we’ll be extending it as an SDK module to our partners and teams building with EmpyrealSDK.

How to use the Enclave

1. Visit and bookmark

2. Connect your wallet.

3. Generate an Encryption Key for your current wallet.

4. Link the key with your wallet.

5. Deposit tokens to securely wrap them into the Enclave.

6. Now you can transfer your tokens to another wallet, bridge them to another chain, or withdraw them from the Enclave on a wallet you control — in total privacy.

How does the Enclave ensure your privacy?

🔐 Any transaction you want to perform is encrypted using the Enclave's symmetric key and your wallet’s Encryption Key.

🔐 Encrypted transactions are trustlessly relayed to the Enclave using Oasis Sapphire, ensuring complete privacy during the relay process.

🔐 The Enclave serves as a privacy layer, obfuscating the details of transactions while keeping assets secure.


💬 Which assets can I transfer?

✅ ETH for now.

💬 How much can I transfer?

✅ 10 ETH max per transaction at launch. Caps will be adjusted going forward.

💬 3. Which chains does it support?

✅ Ethereum and Arbitrum for now (more coming soon).

💬 See for more.

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Our Secret Sauce for Enabling Autonomous Agents


The Enclave on Ethereum Mainnet in Early Access